Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Two days ago I took a giant step in one man's life. It was one which deep down I knew had to be made... and now, well... ESPN is gone. I know, I know. It is just a TV channel. But it's not just ESPN, it's other channels too! You see even though I am now making a good bit of change, there is the problem of trying to catch up to everything from when I was making basically no money. In my glorious sacrifice, I lowered our TV Cable from 200 channels... to 70, to save a measley $15/month. Only $15 you say?! Yeah, well there are better things I can do with my life.

Let's do something new here huh? Let's make a Top 10 list!!!! Yes, okay here it is...

Top 10 Channels I will miss

10. TNT - Sure I didn't watch you often, but that doesn't mean I don't understand your importance! The Lord of the Rings Marathon, 90's action movies where things blow up for no reason and, of course, playoff basketball. Now, I could move you up the list just for this single reason... but something tells me I won't.

9. TBS - Just ahead of your big brother, I always took you for granted and never truly knew you were going to be gone, until you were. Just like the girlfriend you thought you didn't need, and then realized she was really all you had, you offered so much more than I imagined. Family Guy, Scrubs, and again, movie marathons on the weekend. Come to think of it, I'm more just going to miss the idea of having you... much like the girlfriend mentioned before.

8. Discovery Channel - Myth Busters, Dirty Jobs and It takes a Thief. Enough said. You found a way to not only expand my knowledge, but in an entertaining way. Now how will I ever know how to break into a pig farm to see if I can make a pig cannon.

7. Bravo - Yeah, this is an interesting choice but I'm just going to point out there is really only one reason, Project Runway. Now its not presently on right now, but that does not mean Heidi Klum is any less hot. Also, I must admit I'm hooked by the "reality" aspect of it... plus I'm learned a little bit about fashion and being sheik. All in all, I get mad and try to figure out which guys are straight up queer, which ones are still trying to figure it out and which ones just don't realize they are. Also, Tim Gunn is probably the coolest gay man ever.

6. Versus - Yes, I am a man. Versus provided me access to the sport of ice, blood, fights and pucks... HOCKEY! Yeah, during playoff time Versus is a channel to have! Hockey playoffs are the best and nobody can argue with me, because I won't change my mind.

Half way done... what could be my Top 5 channels I'm going to miss??

5. G4 - I didn't watch it as much as I use too, but knowing it was there always made me feel, safe. If nothing else was on I would turn on G4. Let's not forget it introduced me to this amazing moment in movie history. Let's not forget X-play, which is the best tv show video game review show ever. Also, Attack of the Show occasionally entertained me and any of those crazy Japanese shows.

4. ESPN 2 - While you are not up to the standards of your original, you are quiet awesome. If ESPN doesn't have it, you will. My favorite show that I will miss is First Take. While you are not quite as good when Woody Paige would battle Skip Bayless, it was still an entertaining show. You will be missed.

3. Sci-Fi - I love science-fiction so it is really no suprise to see you up in the Top 3. You introduced me to Eureka which is probably one of my favorite running shows. But thanks to the likes of Hulu you are only going to be missed on the semi-big screen. You also gave me my first taste of Firefly and for that alone I will once again order your channel again, someday. For now, El Fin... mi amigo.

2. ESPN - SUPRISED?! Yes we are! I love ESPN but to put it at a #2 spot leaves a huge question in ones mind. However, I have discovered a sweet alternative to you... ESPN360, which is provided through our ISP AT&T. I will miss all your great shows, MNF, PTI, Around the Horn, Rome is Burning, Baseball Tonight, NFL Live, NBA Shootaround, all your supported sporting events, College Gameday and, the great, Sportscenter. Yes, you will be missed.

1. Fox Sports Detroit - Pistons, Red Wings and Tigers on one channel... Yes, combined with the Best Damn Sports Show Ever, you are my most beloved channel. Not much more to say than that.

Last Call
I found this (again) while searching for some of my pictures and videos. Please enjoy if you have not seen this yet. Fireman

Thursday, March 26, 2009

March Madness? I think not.

Anybody that pays at least a little attention to the NCAA tourney knows this one thing... its been boring in terms of Madness. No Cindarella teams, (Arizona is not a Cindy... sorry... they just aren't) and things have played out pretty much how the seeds are. Sure there was the one Cleveland State over Wake Forest... but it was only one game... nothing to get too excited about.

Now I write this as I am slowly watching my bracket fail. Pitt is losing at half time and Purdue is just being out Man'd by UConn. This is where I begin to realize I just don't have what it takes anymore. I'm a husband, father and full-time employee. Sports is slowly becoming a late 5th...

Last Call
My battery is dying.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

It's been a while.

Not sure why but I guess I have some free time now with the real job. But this is what I decided to do with it. I'm always getting messages from people or I look at Ben's blog (lifeofbenji) and there is this new funniest video ever or picture. I never seem to find these things or know where to start! Okay, so the MoInLaw was visiting for the night so there goes the TV time. So to pass the time I decided to go to youTube. And I wanted to find one of those cool videos people send me... well I found one. Now I have no idea how to find funny things so I just typed in the first funny thing that popped in my head... Nut Shots. Yep, I love 'em and I laugh at every single one. But this one is the best. Seriously, I missed it the first time through but that is the beauty. It is seriously the most impossible shot every... Ladies and gents... The Shoe

Last Call
Also check out these sites from during my Web searching... thinkGeek and GOTD.