Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Mello Yello, My commute and recycling with Dust

First off, I've done it.  If you type "Mortis Boblog" into Google, guess who is #1!  How many of you can say you have something that hits #1 on the Google Results page?  Yep, that's what I thought.

Mello Yello - I thought it was gone but I found it at a BP (don't hate it's locally owned, the sign told me so) today when getting gas.  And apparently it's kept it's '90s price as well. 89 cents and it was delicious.  If you've never had, well think Mountain Dew made by Coke and not as sugary.  

My commute - Here are some observations I've made during my commute to and from work.

1.  1 in 4 commuters smoke.  3 of 5 of their significant others probably think they've quit.  1 of 5 know they haven't quit but don't say anything.  1 of 5 don't say anything because they are contributing to the 1 in 4 smoking commuters.

2.  Some commuters drive like maniacs to get to a job they don't want to be at.

3.  3 feet behind the car in front of you DOES allow safe stopping distance when going 80 mph.

4.  3 feet behind the car in front of you DOES NOT allow safe stopping distance when going 80 mph for the person BEHIND you, or the person behind them, or behind them....

5.  Other cars are in the way.

6.  Leaving 5 minutes late equates to actually leaving 15 minutes late.

7.  Blinkers are optional and honking is a sign of great gratitude and respect.

Bumper Stickers -  I don't like most but I saw one today that made me smile.  "God recycles.  He made you out of dust."

Peanut Butter and Jelly -  I had my first PBJ sandwich about 3 or 4 weeks ago.  Yes, that is right.  I was 25 1/2 years old and had never been able to bring myself to taste this wonderful goodness of a sandwich.  It scared me!  But finally I said, if Evie can eat it... so can I!  Luckily I have not applied this concept to everything Evie does that I don't... Like crap my pants.