Friday, November 07, 2008

It is getting to be that time of year again...

That's right folks, that time of year has begun. The time we all dread... telling people what you want for Christmas. Yep, it began last weekend with the "Official drawing of the names" and will continue up until X-mas Eve.

This single question has become my most feared utterance of words. Now, for some men it's "I love you" for others its a single word, "marriage". Then there are those who have minor conniptions when they hear "I'm pregnant" from just about any woman in their lives: mother, wife, daughter, mistress, girlfriend, that woman you met the other night at the club and she looked oh so fine but you now realize that was because it was 1) dark in the club and 2) you were totally wasted, only to find out she was in fact an identical twin of Aileen Wuornos (and no not her, for that you would be given a small medallion or Gold figurine of some kind). No, no... it is none of those which scare me (mainly because I've got them all locked down) it is this... "What do you want for Christmas?"

The problem I have with the question is that there is NO right answer! For me the problem is this. I like gifts that I don't know I'm getting. Um, but Bobby... people need to know what to get you though. Just point them in the right direction. Okay, I will. Video games. Well what games? You want to know what games I want. Here is a list that has been started for me. (this one has some duplicates but will also work) Okay, I don't just want video games. I want other things too... but you don't need to get them for me. Hey, but I want to! You are a cool guy and we want to shower you with Awesome presents. Really? I never thought of it that way. I am a cool guy. Gee thanks. Anytime Bobbo. Anytime....

Maybe I am overreacting. But I feel bad telling people what I want. I feel like by saying what I want, I am commanding them to get me one of the items I am about to list off. And if you don't, I will go halfsies on your present next year. Of course this isn't true but I don't like saying "Get me this." It feels wrong. If someone wants to get me a present, I don't want to know what it could be. And I'm just going to leave that at that.

However, I am a hypocrite. I will asked people what they want. I know, I know but I cannot help it. If left to my own devices... I would be buying pretty much everyone a book. Barnes and Noble is seriously a one stop shop for Christmas. You got books that just about anybody will at least look at once. There is something about that store though. Everytime I'm in there I feel a calm come across me.

Last Call
I hate late night hunger. Here I am laying in bed and all of the sudden I am starving. And now I am craving Taco Bell. Now in my younger days I would succum to this urge... tonight I am just going to fall asleep. I damn, I'm growing up.

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