Saturday, December 06, 2008

Just a quick thought

I was catching up on some blog posts when Carrie asked me what time it was. Like the amazing husband I am, I quickly looked at the lower right corner saw the white digital numbers read "9:18 PM" and said "It's Nine-Eighteen". Then this thought went through my mind...

9:18 that number sounds familiar, probably because I said it before. Did something happen at 9:18 on some other day... No, well 18 is divisible by 9... so I feel good about the number because of that. Maybe that's why I enjoyed saying that it was 9:18. Oh, September is the ninth month of the year. LIMH (Laughing In My Head) I could have said to Carrie "September 18th"... that would have been funny but Carrie would have just given me a mean or your a dumbass look (sorry for the language) Whoa, what if we did that for every time instead of saying the number we say the month. Its January 5th PM. And there are 12 hours in a day and 12 months in a year... crap there are 60 minutes in an hour... dang it. At least I could use it to code a time if I ever need too... Oh, I should blog about this!

Last Call
That thought process finished before 9:19 PM. Sorry for all of you who read that and are now a bit dumber. But imagine, if you will, having that stuff constantly running through your head. Hard isn't it.


Anonymous said...

sometimes I don't know how to respond ... lol

Mortis said...

that's what I'm going for