Friday, January 16, 2009

Resistance 2: Die aliens, DIE!

Yeah so I totally recently just blasted through Resistance 2. And when I say blasted... I mean I killed some Chimera. I had been playing Call of Duty 4 before this and then decided since I got Resistance for X-mas I thought, let's play this game. Having not played the first one, I had to get caught up on all the action... which was cool.

I'm just gonna skip the details about the game and say, I love killin me some Aliens. It had a good story with a sastifying ending and Boss fight. What I especially liked about Resistance 2 is that I died... a lot. To be honest, I've gotten to the point where in a lot of the games I've been playing, I don't die very much. And to be honest, I'm not that great of a FPS gamer. This was probably the result of my demise many a times, but still I enjoyed the new challenge.

All and all, the graphics were solid, the gameplay was superb and the action was intense. There were multiple times when waves and waves of enemies were coming at me and I often wondered if I would have enough bullets to survive the onslaught. After multiple deaths, I had to learn the most effective method of killing the vermin so I could conserve ammo. This often was done by precision shots to the head and killing multiple enemies with a single shot.

To sum it up in a final sentence, I am happy I was able to play the title because I wouldn't have bought it had it not been given to me. I think every PS3 owner should pick up a copy.

Oh on a final note, the online multiplayer is awesome... when you're playing it. What I mean is, when a match ends that is it... You then have to re-enter what you're looking for. It is nothing like COD4 where you can just stay with a group and not have to find a new type of match.

Last Call
I had a job interview that I felt went really well. I really liked everything I learned about the position and it seems like a great company to work for. Also, it is located in Ann Arbor which I feel would be a great fit for Carrie and I. Everyday I have prayed that this is the right job and I continue to do so now after the interview. I can only continue to Hope and Pray this is the position God has been setting me and Carrie up for.

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