Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Here Comes Da Judge!

I've been trying more recently not to be very judgemental of people, places, things... basically nouns. But sometimes, you just can't help it. Like a few weeks ago, Carrie and I were driving around A2 (that's Ann Arbor for those of you that are not in the know... side note: Carrie invented that in the 4th grade. She lied to me and said the 3rd and I called her on it. Bobby 1 Carrie Bill Gates pocketbook) and we saw this, well man, I suppose. It had been nice for a few days, so more and more people could be seen running outside. For those who are not aware of this phenomenon it happens every year in Michigan. It's a strange site to see and it usually only lasts until the about the first or second week of April. But it is where people feel the warm weather and think...

"Oh man! This is what I've been waiting for! Time to go for that run I've been putting off since the end of last April!"

And during about a week or two period you see people in Michigan... wait for it.... EXERCISING! I know it's amazing. But all it takes is one last snow fall, and those people are gone as quickly as they came and won't be seen again until next March. But I digress. So this guy is running and he apparently knows something that nobody else in the world does. And he must have been practicing this all winter because he had it down. Now imagine a regular person running. One foot in front of the other, maybe a little bob in between each step. Assuming the runner knows how to breathe properly there, head is up and back rather straight, not slumped over. Normal so far... but what about their arms? Well... they pump right? One forward, one back, the other on forward, and the other one back. Now this guy, did not do the running-arm-pump. Instead, he had developed what I would describe as the chicken-wing-double-forearm. Yep, imagine a chicken, pulling it's wings in front of itself trying to give not one, but two forearms at the same time and then the chicken running around keeping it's wings up in front of him. I laughed at him as I imagined him falling and keeping his arms in that position all while thinking to himself... "Now THIS is going to help my fall" as both of his elbows bust on the sidewalk.

Now Today, I also judged. I was walking out to a meeting at work and saw this guy ahead of me as I turned the corner. Now, we wear business casual with jeans on Fridays. Typically guys where nice pants and a button down, with the occasional Polo. Also, we are doing pretty well and I'm sure I'm one of the lowest paid people on my floor, which is like saying the last player on the worst NFL team (the Lions) is poor, their not. Okay, I knew I was blogging about this the moment I saw this man's first article of clothing... a Fany pack... at work. Now this isn't just a Fany pack, it's a hardcore worn black leather Fany pack. These are the thoughts that run through my head:

Napoleon Dynamite, Fany Pack Patrick, it's crooked, why is he wearing that? Don't stare it's near his crotch, Anyone else think this is wierd? What kind of pants is he wearing... brown corduroy's, are you serious! this is amazing, wait what shirt is he wearing, a plaid shirt that matches his Cords! Yes priceless, Ferg Extreme, oh he turned, I better blog about this.

Yeah, that was all I thought in about 3 seconds (maybe less). I can just imagine him riding a blue 10 speed with white trim wheels and a Green Trucker hat with John Deere on it.

Last Call
Tonight's last call is to Fringe! Way to go Fringe, you are slowly... well quickly becoming my favorite TV show and tonight you are coming back on! Yay!


Nick said...

I'm pretty sure you spelled fany wrong

Caroline said...

Idiot, I even told you that it was spelled "fanny". You got schooled by a sixth grader. Haha! Also, why didn't I hear about fanny pack before? You know I don't have time to read blogs or go on the internet...

Mortis said...

I changed it to fany... the thing didn't update properly.