Sunday, April 05, 2009

Lions, Tigers and Darn those Bears... Oh My!

The count down has truly begun and in under 30 days the Lions will have to finally make a decision on a draft pick. I shake my head as I type this, stupid Lions. On Monday, the best game of the year will be played at Ford Field, the NCAA Championship game. Yeah, its an easy joke to make but the problem is, it is true. Now, I'm fairly confident that someone who doesn't know a lick about football, could watch a Lions game from last year and still be able to tell you they are bad. And the worst part isn't that the's how they lose. It's through complete desire and determination to give a Lions fan the most hope possible, and then CRUSH it. That is what is going to happen with the Draft. They are going to make me think they are not going to draft Stafford.... but they will. And here is Why:

Take the wind
Ford Field
Oh, we play Football?
Didn't know that...

Yep. And while we are at it, let's look at his first name:

Matt Millen
A waste of time
Talk, but no walk
Every year

Sorry, that last one was a mistake, it should be Wins?! What are those?

Let's move on... the Tigers.

Even though the
Roster is basically the

Yeah, let's hope that last year every one had a bad year, because otherwise we are in trouble. The Tigers had a great team last year but if you look at the numbers, I'm pretty sure everyone (yes, even Miguel Cabrera) had numbers below there averages. Look at Willis! The man looks at a baseball like it's a hand grenade with the pin already pulled. Verlander will do better, he is not a one/two year and done player. No way a man can throw a no-no and then suddenly lose it every year after that. I don't believe it and neither should you. Also, Porcello sounds like the real deal and I cannot wait to see his stuff. The bats will be more alive and with the "Sheff" out of the picture and Inge back at third, I think the Tigers will get there roar back.

Da Bears. They landed Jay Cutler. Great. Have fun with that.

Last Call
Had my first Oberon's of the season. That is a great beer and to tell ya the truth, I think it's back. Last year was a little off, but I've had 4 so far and all without oranges and they were delicious. Good night AA.

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