Monday, April 27, 2009

A fresh pair of Underwear

There is really no way around it, budgeting is about as much fun as being a Lions fan. I am currently making the most money I've ever made and I still cannot just go out and buy whatever I want. Granted, for the first time in a long time all our bills are being paid, we have a good amount of groceries in the kitchen and I'm eating really well. Also, we haven't had an overdraw in our checking account for months now!! However, I guess at some point I thought it would be different. I thought, soon I will just buy what I want, when I want... boy have my priorities changed. I like to think about spending money, more than actually doing it...but it's hard to think about it when I don't even have any to spend! But this is not a huge deal... what I'm really getting at is my recent change in how I view my things.

I'm going through the strangest part of my life now where I truly am no longer a "kid" and I'm entering the world of careers, 401k's, stocks, bonds, savings, college savings and my future. Heck, I just turned 24 and I have LIFE INSURANCE!! (I am convinced that I now have a big red target on my back that says, "Kill me!! Go ahead, it's covered!!" ) Oh, sure, I'm still the biggest goofball, bad-joke cracking, face-making, name-calling, energy-wasting, strange voice making idiot that I have always been... but it's becoming different. Now, don't laugh too hard but I'm.... more mature but in only the way I could mature.

There are times now when I know what I should do versus what I want to do... but I choose to do what I should do. Slowly, my wants have been knocked down one by one until by the time I'm ready for them... I don't feel like addressing them. I'm not talking about going to work, getting up early and going to bed at a decent hour (that one I'm breaking at the moment), it's more of the little things. For me, it's not watching what I want too on TV, or taking the garbage out b/c I know She will appreciate it, playing with my daughter when I really feel like killing in COD4. I still play video games, but its about a 9:1 reading to playing ratio, I'm sure by definition I'm a video game Poser.

Most of these changes have come with being a husband, father and provider for the family. Trust me, I feel great that I am providing for my wife and daughter, but I must admit at times I wonder, where is my spending spree? It's coming, oh, its coming. My next major purchase will come as no surprise to anyone as I upgrade our TV to the latest wave of HD TVs. But I feel bad even thinking about it. Other things have taken higher priority and to be honest, it scares me at times how comfortable I am with it.

Let's just make sure one thing is straight here: I love my life. God has blessed Carrie and I with a wonderful baby girl, an amazing family and a relationship with Him that goes far beyond any materials in this world. Would I be any happier with a little extra cash and the money to buy my new TV... no. And (obviously) I know that. But that doesn't mean I don't want it. =)

Last Call
Literally this time, it's late and I'm slowing shutting down. Speaking of shutting down, I heard GM is discontinuing the Pontiac brand and possibly auctioning others off to the highest bidder. I'm not surprised, but it is strange for me to think of Pontiac's no longer being made. More importantly are the jobs being lost and the lives who are impacted by this decision.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Quick Notes

I had a great day today and just wanted to note that in a blog. Carrie and I went to Amazing Grace this morning and it was some AWESOME worship! Then we heard about the trip to Columbia and they are really doing some amazing stuff through their ministries. Very cool. Also, they are planning a trip to West Virginia next year. Nanette turned to me and said she could see me doing it. Coincidence, I think not but I was thinking the same thing while I was watching the slide show from the Columbia trip. Then Carrie mentioned it again in the car and had her dad ask about how much it would cost. I think it is something Carrie and I should strongly consider doing. Very exciting, very cool.

Then we were treated to a true treat. FUDDRUCKERS!! Love their burgers. Haven't been there in years and let me tell you... it is still amazing. Love it.

My mom is in town because she just got back from her Chicago trip. She got Evie a nice "onesie", me a Wrigley Field baseball tee and Carrie got a new cheese grater (not from Chicago, my dad got it for her b/c he loves Pampered Chef and we were talking about getting a cheese grater and my dad has one from them and he will buy anything from Pampered Chef...and for good reason, it's good stuff. Plus he was buying himself a new knife I guess and remembered. Pretty cool I say.) So now Carrie can grate cheese more efficiently.

Now we are watching Juno and I've seen it a bunch of times so I can go all woman-like and watch the movie while being on the computer. I can't believe you women can do this with movies/shows you've never seen. I'm a single or no thought at a time man. Yes, I can think absolutely nothing. And I am not the only man who can do it.

What an Amazingly Great Grace Filled Day of Love! (AGGFDL)

Last Call
Update, I've changed our cable again... I decided to drop HD and then go back to the package I had before. Why? Well my TV is small enough that HD doesn't make a HUGE difference.... it still saddens me though. I can watch the Tigers, Pistons and Red Wings again. I could do without it, but for only $5 more, I decided it was worth it. Another thing, I was becoming more obsessed with listening to the games on the radio then I was on TV... I think its okay... but check back in a few weeks when I lower it again.... I'm pathetic, I know.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Somebody please shed a tear for German Prostitutes.

Because I'm not going to. I was recently watching the press conference of the Captain saved at sea. A Heroic effort and the way our government should act... a little more often. You got our guy? Okay, you have 3 hours to hand the Yankee over or we are killing your Terrorist behind. Got it? No? Oh okay well hang on... just a .. pop pop pop... Oh, clean yourself up, you dead. BOO YAH!!! But I digress....

So I'm watching this and I look over to my right and I see this headline: German prostitutes hit by recession.

What?!!! That's isn't news! This is the world we live in now. I guess it's legal there or something and guys are trying to get more for their money. There are over 400,000 prostitutes in Germany. 400,000!!! I'm probably the last person on Earth to know about this but WTF!! Seriously! And the fact that they are reporting that they are hurt by the recession is stupid. Should I feel sorry for them? Is that why they are reporting it? I'm not sure but it certainly upset me.

I understand that they are just reporting (and it's international, whatever) but there are better stories out there. Like the Captain who go rescued. Babies being born. People losing wait. Single Mothers holding two jobs to support her children. Heck! Even just regular stay @ home Moms! People being saved, physically and spiritually. Whatever. I'm not a big rally the troops and rebel person but I guess it just goes to show what kind of world we are in.

As a new Daddy I have become more aware of the type of world my daughter and future kids are going to be growing up in. It's so much different now than it was when I was growing up... and that was within the last decade!! My goal is to continually show her the good in this world and make her aware of the evils and potential paths. I know at some point it will be up to her to make the right choice and I just hope it's easier than I think it will be.

Last Call
I just debuted in my first soccer game in Ann Arbor tonight. It was the first time playing in the city since my travel/high school days. It went well... we lost, but I had one true assist and another hockey assist (the guy didn't need to pass it to the next guy... geez) but I should have had a couple more and maybe a goal. Wait... i never took a shot.... on no I took one, that was crazy... ask me about it I'm not typing here. But now it's time for a couple ice cold Miller Lites (that Carrie surprised me with... I'm not buying beer for the apartment anymore) and listen to the Tigers.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Why I hate sharing a computer

Yeah, I've had it. This is the last straw, I'm tired of sharing a computer. I'm a freakin' computer scientist!! It's embarassing.

Geeky Person: "Dude I just upgraded to the Quad Core 2.6 gHz processor with a 900 mHz frontside bus, a 2 gb nVidia graphics card, 20 gigs of dual channel RAM with three low power high circulation spinners... All on my CHXY Reus 6000 Motherboard. Also, pair that with my 20" HD LCD screen and 7.1 surround, I'm running Crysis at 60 fps super clean."

Me: "Wow, that's pretty cool"

Geeky Person: "What's your setup?"

Me: "Well, ya know. It's a laptop. Dell. 2 gig dual channel... wait maybe 4. Geforce 7400 graphics card... I think. Intel Dual Core Duo... 2.something- gHz. Like a 12.5 inch screen, bigger battery. Wireless card. Missing a couple keys, dog did that. I have a dual boot on it... but then it got screwed up, so running XP."

Geeky Person: "No man, YOUR computer. Not the family comp."

Me: "Oh, ha ha. Yeah, that's in the closet right now. Wife says we don't have any room for it. And she's right. Besides, it's like 5-6 yrs old now."

G. P: "Oh... cool. So I'll see you later."

Me: "Yeah. Okay."

Weeks go by and I'll never hear from the individual again. It's like being on a soccer team, without any boots, guards or a soccer ball. So besides not having the latest and greatest (Also, there is a unspoken word I think that you should have at least one computer running a unix based OS. Yeah... ) I dislike sharing a computer because of the following:

1. Logins staying logged in. I can't even count how many times I have posted stuff under my wife's account in facebook, blogger or whatever it may be. She has done the same too. It's annoying!

2. If we both want the computer at the same time... who gets it? Carrie.

3. No offense ladies, but for the most part when you start fiddling around with a computer, stuff breaks. Carrie is actually really good at this, but I will never forget this story. Jessie and I are in a computer lab... er, the computer science computer lab at school and I was helping her with some work. I had to get something from my school email which I never use. The following is a real conversation.

Me: "Wow, I have a ton of junk mail..."
Jessie: "Wait! How do you know that is junk?!"
Me: "It's obvious, I don't know him."
Jessie: "But the subjects says: 'Hi, there!'"
Me: "Yeah..."
Jessie: "So maybe he knows you."
Me: "No. You're kidding me right?"
Jessie: "Well how do you know, unless you open it?"
Me: "You're not joking. (looks around @ other CS students who are all wide eyed and mouths dropped) Jess, that is junk mail. Probably has a virus or stupid advertisement. You NEVER open email from someone you don't know or the subject is simply 'Hi, there'"

I can't remember her reaction but I'm sure we all know it. Point is, women someway, somehow just have it out for computers and eventually do something to them. (I'm not saying guys don't either)

4. Finding it. I like knowing my computer is in one spot and is always there. I don't like finding my laptop on the carpet under a blanket and still running. Ugh.

Last Call
My first soccer game in AA is tomorrow. I'm excited!

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Here Comes Da Judge!

I've been trying more recently not to be very judgemental of people, places, things... basically nouns. But sometimes, you just can't help it. Like a few weeks ago, Carrie and I were driving around A2 (that's Ann Arbor for those of you that are not in the know... side note: Carrie invented that in the 4th grade. She lied to me and said the 3rd and I called her on it. Bobby 1 Carrie Bill Gates pocketbook) and we saw this, well man, I suppose. It had been nice for a few days, so more and more people could be seen running outside. For those who are not aware of this phenomenon it happens every year in Michigan. It's a strange site to see and it usually only lasts until the about the first or second week of April. But it is where people feel the warm weather and think...

"Oh man! This is what I've been waiting for! Time to go for that run I've been putting off since the end of last April!"

And during about a week or two period you see people in Michigan... wait for it.... EXERCISING! I know it's amazing. But all it takes is one last snow fall, and those people are gone as quickly as they came and won't be seen again until next March. But I digress. So this guy is running and he apparently knows something that nobody else in the world does. And he must have been practicing this all winter because he had it down. Now imagine a regular person running. One foot in front of the other, maybe a little bob in between each step. Assuming the runner knows how to breathe properly there, head is up and back rather straight, not slumped over. Normal so far... but what about their arms? Well... they pump right? One forward, one back, the other on forward, and the other one back. Now this guy, did not do the running-arm-pump. Instead, he had developed what I would describe as the chicken-wing-double-forearm. Yep, imagine a chicken, pulling it's wings in front of itself trying to give not one, but two forearms at the same time and then the chicken running around keeping it's wings up in front of him. I laughed at him as I imagined him falling and keeping his arms in that position all while thinking to himself... "Now THIS is going to help my fall" as both of his elbows bust on the sidewalk.

Now Today, I also judged. I was walking out to a meeting at work and saw this guy ahead of me as I turned the corner. Now, we wear business casual with jeans on Fridays. Typically guys where nice pants and a button down, with the occasional Polo. Also, we are doing pretty well and I'm sure I'm one of the lowest paid people on my floor, which is like saying the last player on the worst NFL team (the Lions) is poor, their not. Okay, I knew I was blogging about this the moment I saw this man's first article of clothing... a Fany pack... at work. Now this isn't just a Fany pack, it's a hardcore worn black leather Fany pack. These are the thoughts that run through my head:

Napoleon Dynamite, Fany Pack Patrick, it's crooked, why is he wearing that? Don't stare it's near his crotch, Anyone else think this is wierd? What kind of pants is he wearing... brown corduroy's, are you serious! this is amazing, wait what shirt is he wearing, a plaid shirt that matches his Cords! Yes priceless, Ferg Extreme, oh he turned, I better blog about this.

Yeah, that was all I thought in about 3 seconds (maybe less). I can just imagine him riding a blue 10 speed with white trim wheels and a Green Trucker hat with John Deere on it.

Last Call
Tonight's last call is to Fringe! Way to go Fringe, you are slowly... well quickly becoming my favorite TV show and tonight you are coming back on! Yay!

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Lions, Tigers and Darn those Bears... Oh My!

The count down has truly begun and in under 30 days the Lions will have to finally make a decision on a draft pick. I shake my head as I type this, stupid Lions. On Monday, the best game of the year will be played at Ford Field, the NCAA Championship game. Yeah, its an easy joke to make but the problem is, it is true. Now, I'm fairly confident that someone who doesn't know a lick about football, could watch a Lions game from last year and still be able to tell you they are bad. And the worst part isn't that the's how they lose. It's through complete desire and determination to give a Lions fan the most hope possible, and then CRUSH it. That is what is going to happen with the Draft. They are going to make me think they are not going to draft Stafford.... but they will. And here is Why:

Take the wind
Ford Field
Oh, we play Football?
Didn't know that...

Yep. And while we are at it, let's look at his first name:

Matt Millen
A waste of time
Talk, but no walk
Every year

Sorry, that last one was a mistake, it should be Wins?! What are those?

Let's move on... the Tigers.

Even though the
Roster is basically the

Yeah, let's hope that last year every one had a bad year, because otherwise we are in trouble. The Tigers had a great team last year but if you look at the numbers, I'm pretty sure everyone (yes, even Miguel Cabrera) had numbers below there averages. Look at Willis! The man looks at a baseball like it's a hand grenade with the pin already pulled. Verlander will do better, he is not a one/two year and done player. No way a man can throw a no-no and then suddenly lose it every year after that. I don't believe it and neither should you. Also, Porcello sounds like the real deal and I cannot wait to see his stuff. The bats will be more alive and with the "Sheff" out of the picture and Inge back at third, I think the Tigers will get there roar back.

Da Bears. They landed Jay Cutler. Great. Have fun with that.

Last Call
Had my first Oberon's of the season. That is a great beer and to tell ya the truth, I think it's back. Last year was a little off, but I've had 4 so far and all without oranges and they were delicious. Good night AA.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Two days ago I took a giant step in one man's life. It was one which deep down I knew had to be made... and now, well... ESPN is gone. I know, I know. It is just a TV channel. But it's not just ESPN, it's other channels too! You see even though I am now making a good bit of change, there is the problem of trying to catch up to everything from when I was making basically no money. In my glorious sacrifice, I lowered our TV Cable from 200 channels... to 70, to save a measley $15/month. Only $15 you say?! Yeah, well there are better things I can do with my life.

Let's do something new here huh? Let's make a Top 10 list!!!! Yes, okay here it is...

Top 10 Channels I will miss

10. TNT - Sure I didn't watch you often, but that doesn't mean I don't understand your importance! The Lord of the Rings Marathon, 90's action movies where things blow up for no reason and, of course, playoff basketball. Now, I could move you up the list just for this single reason... but something tells me I won't.

9. TBS - Just ahead of your big brother, I always took you for granted and never truly knew you were going to be gone, until you were. Just like the girlfriend you thought you didn't need, and then realized she was really all you had, you offered so much more than I imagined. Family Guy, Scrubs, and again, movie marathons on the weekend. Come to think of it, I'm more just going to miss the idea of having you... much like the girlfriend mentioned before.

8. Discovery Channel - Myth Busters, Dirty Jobs and It takes a Thief. Enough said. You found a way to not only expand my knowledge, but in an entertaining way. Now how will I ever know how to break into a pig farm to see if I can make a pig cannon.

7. Bravo - Yeah, this is an interesting choice but I'm just going to point out there is really only one reason, Project Runway. Now its not presently on right now, but that does not mean Heidi Klum is any less hot. Also, I must admit I'm hooked by the "reality" aspect of it... plus I'm learned a little bit about fashion and being sheik. All in all, I get mad and try to figure out which guys are straight up queer, which ones are still trying to figure it out and which ones just don't realize they are. Also, Tim Gunn is probably the coolest gay man ever.

6. Versus - Yes, I am a man. Versus provided me access to the sport of ice, blood, fights and pucks... HOCKEY! Yeah, during playoff time Versus is a channel to have! Hockey playoffs are the best and nobody can argue with me, because I won't change my mind.

Half way done... what could be my Top 5 channels I'm going to miss??

5. G4 - I didn't watch it as much as I use too, but knowing it was there always made me feel, safe. If nothing else was on I would turn on G4. Let's not forget it introduced me to this amazing moment in movie history. Let's not forget X-play, which is the best tv show video game review show ever. Also, Attack of the Show occasionally entertained me and any of those crazy Japanese shows.

4. ESPN 2 - While you are not up to the standards of your original, you are quiet awesome. If ESPN doesn't have it, you will. My favorite show that I will miss is First Take. While you are not quite as good when Woody Paige would battle Skip Bayless, it was still an entertaining show. You will be missed.

3. Sci-Fi - I love science-fiction so it is really no suprise to see you up in the Top 3. You introduced me to Eureka which is probably one of my favorite running shows. But thanks to the likes of Hulu you are only going to be missed on the semi-big screen. You also gave me my first taste of Firefly and for that alone I will once again order your channel again, someday. For now, El Fin... mi amigo.

2. ESPN - SUPRISED?! Yes we are! I love ESPN but to put it at a #2 spot leaves a huge question in ones mind. However, I have discovered a sweet alternative to you... ESPN360, which is provided through our ISP AT&T. I will miss all your great shows, MNF, PTI, Around the Horn, Rome is Burning, Baseball Tonight, NFL Live, NBA Shootaround, all your supported sporting events, College Gameday and, the great, Sportscenter. Yes, you will be missed.

1. Fox Sports Detroit - Pistons, Red Wings and Tigers on one channel... Yes, combined with the Best Damn Sports Show Ever, you are my most beloved channel. Not much more to say than that.

Last Call
I found this (again) while searching for some of my pictures and videos. Please enjoy if you have not seen this yet. Fireman

Thursday, March 26, 2009

March Madness? I think not.

Anybody that pays at least a little attention to the NCAA tourney knows this one thing... its been boring in terms of Madness. No Cindarella teams, (Arizona is not a Cindy... sorry... they just aren't) and things have played out pretty much how the seeds are. Sure there was the one Cleveland State over Wake Forest... but it was only one game... nothing to get too excited about.

Now I write this as I am slowly watching my bracket fail. Pitt is losing at half time and Purdue is just being out Man'd by UConn. This is where I begin to realize I just don't have what it takes anymore. I'm a husband, father and full-time employee. Sports is slowly becoming a late 5th...

Last Call
My battery is dying.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

It's been a while.

Not sure why but I guess I have some free time now with the real job. But this is what I decided to do with it. I'm always getting messages from people or I look at Ben's blog (lifeofbenji) and there is this new funniest video ever or picture. I never seem to find these things or know where to start! Okay, so the MoInLaw was visiting for the night so there goes the TV time. So to pass the time I decided to go to youTube. And I wanted to find one of those cool videos people send me... well I found one. Now I have no idea how to find funny things so I just typed in the first funny thing that popped in my head... Nut Shots. Yep, I love 'em and I laugh at every single one. But this one is the best. Seriously, I missed it the first time through but that is the beauty. It is seriously the most impossible shot every... Ladies and gents... The Shoe

Last Call
Also check out these sites from during my Web searching... thinkGeek and GOTD.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Come here You, I've got a big hug and a high five with Your name on it!!

So it was a typical Friday morning. Wake up, feed the dogs, poop and pee the dogs and then come back inside after being out in the white winter wonderland that Michigan becomes every January. However, when I returned I noticed my wife was in the shower. Odd, I thought since she typically only showers every 36-48 hours and I could have swore it had only been about 24... As I'm putting my gloves on the raising counter of a bar, I noticed the little black electronic I have been known to call "My Cellphone." I clicked the right side button and my heart began racing... "You have a new Voicemail".

Now this could be anybody but I have been anticipating a call from the interview I had the week before. With my heart pounding I skip the voicemail check and go straight to the missed calls. My blood began pumping and a rush went through my body as I saw the numerals... 7-3-4. No these are not my lucky horse track numbers... (although now they maybe) it is the area code for the Ann Arbor area. Crap.

With shaky fingers and the feeling like you have to go pee really bad, but can't find a restroom ... I hit 1 send and typed in my passcode. The verizon computer lady begins "You have..." I KNOW I KNOW get on with it!

The first words of the message begin and its Dan from Thomson-Reuters... cool as a cucumber but with the voice of a grizzly bear he introduces himself again and says he's calling about THE position. In this moment my heart stopped. Time slowed and complete adrenaline took over my body. I have been in many pressure situations in my life... Sudden death Penalty Kicks against the Cross town rival, taking the ACT, multiple interviews, busting peers with alcohol as a RA, meeting my now wife's parents for the first time in High School when we were dating, calling the pizza deliver guy... but nothing compared to the anxiety I felt in those split seconds before hearing what he had to say. This was it. Are we moving to Ann Arbor or back to Midland, in the Parents basement? Success or "Oh, we'll get em next time"? Family Video or Thomson-Reuters? Life or Death? (maybe not the last one...)

Well I know you all know what happened but it was seriously one of the first times I almost completely collapsed out of pure joy. Now, I'm a man so I caught myself and played it cool enough to tremble out to carrie while she was in the shower that I had a job. Did it go how I imagined? Not at all, I wasn't even happy... I did not shout, I did not yell, I didn't even prance around the room or do the I've got a job dance... I just trembled and staggered around like a bubbling bafoon. A HUGE, ENORMOUS, TREMENDOUS, GIGANTIC weight had been lifted and I felt like I couldn't even stand.

It wasn't until later that it truly all hit me and I realized just how much God had been working in me during the past months. He had kept me together. He had made me strong. He had carried the burden of despair and fear which without Him, would have crumbled me. I did not finally feel the weight of those feelings fall upon me, instead I felt the Love which He has for me. It was His Love which broke me. It was His Love which carried me. It is His Love which continues to Save me.

So, come here You, I've got a big hug and a high five with Your name on it!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Resistance 2: Die aliens, DIE!

Yeah so I totally recently just blasted through Resistance 2. And when I say blasted... I mean I killed some Chimera. I had been playing Call of Duty 4 before this and then decided since I got Resistance for X-mas I thought, let's play this game. Having not played the first one, I had to get caught up on all the action... which was cool.

I'm just gonna skip the details about the game and say, I love killin me some Aliens. It had a good story with a sastifying ending and Boss fight. What I especially liked about Resistance 2 is that I died... a lot. To be honest, I've gotten to the point where in a lot of the games I've been playing, I don't die very much. And to be honest, I'm not that great of a FPS gamer. This was probably the result of my demise many a times, but still I enjoyed the new challenge.

All and all, the graphics were solid, the gameplay was superb and the action was intense. There were multiple times when waves and waves of enemies were coming at me and I often wondered if I would have enough bullets to survive the onslaught. After multiple deaths, I had to learn the most effective method of killing the vermin so I could conserve ammo. This often was done by precision shots to the head and killing multiple enemies with a single shot.

To sum it up in a final sentence, I am happy I was able to play the title because I wouldn't have bought it had it not been given to me. I think every PS3 owner should pick up a copy.

Oh on a final note, the online multiplayer is awesome... when you're playing it. What I mean is, when a match ends that is it... You then have to re-enter what you're looking for. It is nothing like COD4 where you can just stay with a group and not have to find a new type of match.

Last Call
I had a job interview that I felt went really well. I really liked everything I learned about the position and it seems like a great company to work for. Also, it is located in Ann Arbor which I feel would be a great fit for Carrie and I. Everyday I have prayed that this is the right job and I continue to do so now after the interview. I can only continue to Hope and Pray this is the position God has been setting me and Carrie up for.