Friday, April 17, 2009

Somebody please shed a tear for German Prostitutes.

Because I'm not going to. I was recently watching the press conference of the Captain saved at sea. A Heroic effort and the way our government should act... a little more often. You got our guy? Okay, you have 3 hours to hand the Yankee over or we are killing your Terrorist behind. Got it? No? Oh okay well hang on... just a .. pop pop pop... Oh, clean yourself up, you dead. BOO YAH!!! But I digress....

So I'm watching this and I look over to my right and I see this headline: German prostitutes hit by recession.

What?!!! That's isn't news! This is the world we live in now. I guess it's legal there or something and guys are trying to get more for their money. There are over 400,000 prostitutes in Germany. 400,000!!! I'm probably the last person on Earth to know about this but WTF!! Seriously! And the fact that they are reporting that they are hurt by the recession is stupid. Should I feel sorry for them? Is that why they are reporting it? I'm not sure but it certainly upset me.

I understand that they are just reporting (and it's international, whatever) but there are better stories out there. Like the Captain who go rescued. Babies being born. People losing wait. Single Mothers holding two jobs to support her children. Heck! Even just regular stay @ home Moms! People being saved, physically and spiritually. Whatever. I'm not a big rally the troops and rebel person but I guess it just goes to show what kind of world we are in.

As a new Daddy I have become more aware of the type of world my daughter and future kids are going to be growing up in. It's so much different now than it was when I was growing up... and that was within the last decade!! My goal is to continually show her the good in this world and make her aware of the evils and potential paths. I know at some point it will be up to her to make the right choice and I just hope it's easier than I think it will be.

Last Call
I just debuted in my first soccer game in Ann Arbor tonight. It was the first time playing in the city since my travel/high school days. It went well... we lost, but I had one true assist and another hockey assist (the guy didn't need to pass it to the next guy... geez) but I should have had a couple more and maybe a goal. Wait... i never took a shot.... on no I took one, that was crazy... ask me about it I'm not typing here. But now it's time for a couple ice cold Miller Lites (that Carrie surprised me with... I'm not buying beer for the apartment anymore) and listen to the Tigers.

1 comment:

Caroline said...

You're a wonderful dad :o) That's why you get beer, occasionally. Now come to bed! It's late.